We are lucky in California to be able to picnic and eat outdoors almost year-round. Even still, for me, “picnic” will always conjure images of balmy summer nights, sweating bottles of rosé, and sun-kissed bare legs. There is nothing like a gorgeous summertime picnic. How can you beat a mouth-watering charcuterie board, colorful blooms, and the sounds of clinking glasses and lots of laughter? Some of the best memories can be made by meeting up at a park, resting your feet in the grass, and enjoying the company of friends and the environment around you. We decided to create a phenomenal picnic event by collaborating with local businesses to throw a citrus-themed picnic to get us all ready and in the summer spirit!

The catalyst for this event was a conversation that happened between myself (@livingthebetslife) and my friend and fellow blogger, Danise (@centralcoastingcali). We were discussing how fun it would be to get local bloggers together like ourselves (some who we knew in real life and some who we knew via websites and social media). We also thought how fabulous it would be if we could get other local businesses (that we love) involved too. We could create one hell of an event to get acquainted with and support numerous people in our community – sounds like a good time, huh?! Danise and I started planning and after lots of brainstorming, messaging, and emailing, our co-hosted Picnic in the Park event was born!

Something that was truly touching was how many local businesses were thrilled to collaborate with us for this event. Not only were people excited by the idea, but they couldn’t wait to roll up their sleeves and get involved. I already knew this, but it only served to remind me of how amazing our local community really is here. First off, Picnics & Posies (@picnicsandposies) delivered a fantastic picnic setup. The founder, Xochilt, knew exactly what to bring, and she created a magical tablescape. It goes without saying that we couldn’t have done this event without her.

Kristine Cramer (@kristinecramer) shot these gorgeous photos that perfectly captured the fun and vibrancy of our event. Ella & Louie Flowers (@ellaandlouieflowers) (who did the flowers for my wedding!) provided an absolutely stunning floral arrangement. Andersen’s Danish Bakery (@andersensdanishbakerysb) made a Swedish Princess Cake (Prinsesstårta) that looked as wonderful as it tasted. (Yes, I may have had cake for breakfast the next day. Don’t judge me). Villa Wine Bar & Kitchen (@villawinebar) supplied two equally delicious local rosés (one from Grassini Family Vineyards and the other from Stolpman Vineyards). Travessa made two perfectly-plated charcuterie boards with lots of cheeses, meats, nuts, and fruits.

Danise and I had Michelle and Monse (two terrific SB locals and bloggers/content creators) join us. Michelle’s daughter, Leighton, could not be any cuter and was a lovely picnic guest as well. It was so much fun to cheers, catch up, and enjoy a Friday night in the park. Even though we stay up-to-date with one another online, it was such a treat to gather together in person.

We are blessed that in Santa Barbara we have no shortage of incredible picnic-ready locations. Narrowing down where we wanted to host the picnic was a challenge. Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden has always been one of my favorite places and parks in Santa Barbara. From the beautiful pond, swimming turtles, quacking ducks, and lush landscaping, it is truly a sight to behold. If you can make it for sunset, even better! We knew that this would be a picture-perfect spot to host our event.

I knew everyone would create something spectacular for the event, but I was blown away by the end result! The picnic truly looked like a summer dream. The bright colors and citrus theme made me SO ready for summer (four days away, not like I’m counting down or anything). We used whole and cut lemons, oranges, and grapefruits to brighten up the table and add a fun California twist. The green cake, the bright flowers, and the colorful pillows all seemed to pop with the setting sun too. We are so fortunate to have so many talented and creative people in our home town. I think that this Picnic in the Park was a huge success, and I’m so grateful to everyone who participated to make this dreamy night a reality.

What do you think of the theme? Which photos are your favorites? Let me know in the comments how you think the picnic turned out!

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