Patrick and I are taking off on a little getaway to celebrate my birthday (tomorrow, the 8th). To celebrate turning another year older, I thought I would share a little bit more about myself. Enjoy these random fun facts – of course there had to be 31 of them too!
- I love a theme party. A highlight was dressing up as a paleontologist in college for a “P”- themed party. Definitely not my sexiest costume.
- I studied abroad on Semester at Sea during my junior year of college. It was an amazing and life-changing experience.
- I hate tomatoes. I like ketchup and tomato-based sauces, but for some reason I have never liked tomatoes.
- My hair color is my natural color and I have green eyes. I was a blonde for about 4 years though.
- I’m the youngest child and I have two older brothers.
- I am really good at ping pong, and I played a ton while on Semester at Sea.
- I read every night before bed.
- I went skydiving with my eldest brother for my 18th birthday.
- I love Paris and I am a total Francophile in general.
- My drink of choice is either a glass of champagne or a margarita (I’m picky about how the margarita is made though).
- I can bake but I am not a great cook. I usually leave cooking to my husband.
- I will dance (not well) or sing always if a Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, or Britney Spears song comes on.
- I despise clutter and I am very organized (with the exception of my car).
- I have three dog nephews, one dog niece, and one cat niece.
- I lived away from the beach for a while, but I don’t plan on ever doing that again.
- I am infamous for my longer-than-necessary voicemails. I basically have a conversation with myself…it’s fine.
- I have a travel bucket list and Alaska, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, and Bali are all at the top of it.
- I am very allergic to cats and dogs and I underwent allergy shots for five years. It was worth it.
- I love game nights with friends and/or family, and I am competitive.
- I am an accessories person and I have lots of belts and shoes. Definitely too many shoes.
- I am a great packer and I have now traveled several times for weeks on end with just a carry-on.
- I bite my nails so I usually have to get them done. It’s a horrible habit!
- I am a night owl as opposed to an early bird.
- Growing up, I wanted to be a veterinarian or a comic strip maker. Two very different careers.
- I was a Chi Omega at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
- I am outgoing and very social, but I also crave time spent alone or at home too.
- I started dating my husband at 21.
- I cry laugh all the time. Like full tears streaming down my face.
- I completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training.
- I get too scared watching scary movies, so my husband has to watch them by himself.
- I have a habit of signing up for wine clubs. We are members of a few and I’m sure I’ll join more.
Hopefully you all learned a bit more about me. Now I’m off to spend the next few days relaxing and vacationing – check out my Instagram to see where we are headed! Cheers!